In the world of luxury, it is an admiration of beauty, a desire for rich experiences, and an inherent belief in value that drives high-end purchases.
Not unlike religion, luxury reveres the sublime, pays homage to life, and devotes itself to worthy living. Luxury respects purity of craft and the gifts of nature, becomes a lifestyle choice, and is an investment in the future of those who remain devoted.
Both a luxury brand and an inherently spiritual structure, FABRIQ Pavilion is reminiscent of religion in many ways: operationally, structurally, and symbolically.
Operationally, luxury brands resemble religion in their otherworldly creations, mesmerizing stories, dedication to and of their followers, and a commitment to greatness. Similarly, FABRIQ Pavilion’s Heritage (link to Heritage Page) resembles religion—there are the creators, a founding myth and legend, a community to build, and a holy land upon which it all began.
Like religion, the luxury brand journey begins with a small sect of true believers, who despite adversity and setbacks, forge the path they are destined to travel. There are sacrifices, such as the price of luxury goods, and there are icons who endow a sacred history, such as Bill Moss, designer of the original tensile church structure upon which FABRIQ Pavilion is inspired.
Structurally, luxury brands are meticulously crafted to showcase beauty, tapping into a creativity at once human and divine, whether intended to be spiritual or not.
The 1990 Moss design, from which FABRIQ Pavilion was created, was originally designed as a temporary church and its roots in religion remain. Now permanent, the graceful FABRIQ Pavilion tensile structure has maintained its original cathedral-like qualities. Upon entering, the eyes are instinctively drawn towards the heavens by the iridescent stream of light that shines through the cathedral windows, high overhead.
Symbolically, luxury brands transcend their physical form, becoming objects of desire and icons of attainment.
Just as our creator fashioned the earth on which we now reside, creators of luxury brands create a new “universe” that never existed before.
One might say that when one views Bill Wesnousky, Founder, President, and CEO of FABRIQ Pavilion, standing at the elegant entrance of his “temple,” he is in essence preaching his “Tent Gospel” and inviting in early adopters to the FABRIQ “universe”—one comprised of beauty, spirituality, social interaction, and personal introspection—where hope springs eternal and life is fun.
With the grand opening of the FABRIQ Pavilion Showroom and Event Center projected for April of 2021, Wesnousky is now seeking to attract his first group of believers—owners of high-end residential estates, upscale commercial properties, and accredited investors who wish to become one of the first to experience the luxury “temple” in its holy land (San Miguel, California), before FABRIQ Pavilion expands globally.
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